Different Engine Oil Types
There are four main types of motor oil: high mileage oil, synthetic mixes, conventional oil, and synthetic oil.

Conventional Engine Oil or Mineral Oil based Products-
Conventional motor oils can be formulated in a range of viscosity grades and quality levels just like the synthetic ones , however the performance of synthetic products is always better. Conventional motor oil is recommended for drivers with simple engine designs and regular (as opposed to severe) driving styles.

Synthetic Engine Oil
The method of creating synthetic motor oil involves chemical engineering. Compared to regular oil molecules, synthetic oil molecules have higher qualities, fewer contaminants, and a more uniform shape. Synthetic oil generally performs better at extremely high and low temperatures. High-performing additives are typically used in the formulation of synthetic oils.

Blended Synthetic Engine Oil
In order to increase resistance to oxidation (in comparison to conventional oil) and give superior low-temperature qualities, synthetic blend motor oil combines synthetic and conventional base oils.

Extra-Mile Engine Oil
Specially designed for late-model or newer vehicles with over 120,000 miles, high-mileage motor oil

Some of the ENGINE OIL types that we manufacture 

SANLUB ADVANCE 15W-40 is premium high-performance multi-grade diesel engine oil manufactured from imported high-quality base stocks. It is fortified with specially selected organo metallic detergents and ashless dispersant to combat soot induced oil thickening and wear.

Application: It is recommended as extended drain service engine oil for new generation low emission Bharat stage II & III-compliant diesel engines operating under most severe conditions using low or high sulphur diesel fuels.


  •  Excellent wear protection
  •  Excellent anti-oxidation properties
  •  Minimizes deposit formation
  •  Longer engine rebuild life
  •  Extended drain service interval
  •  Lowers operating costs
  •  Reduces maintenance cost
  •  Reduces fuel consumption

Performance Level: API CF-4


Sanlub Advance Pro 15W-40 CH-4 is a diesel engine oil that maximises engine performance in the
latest generation of turbo-charged engines.


Modern engines operate in constantly changing conditions which impact on engine performance. SanLub advance Pro with its unique technology adapts to these changing conditions to maximise
performance in five key areas.

· Fuel consumption: Fights oil thickening, resulting in better fuel efficiency.
· Oil consumption: Fights piston deposits, resulting in better oil consumption.
· Oil drain interval: Fights contaminants, resulting in longer oil drain intervals.
· Component life: Fights wear and corrosion, enhancing the life of critical components.
· Power: Fights soot, resulting in improving power all the way through the oil drain.

Performance level:  API CH-4

Sanlub pro Plus 15W40 has been formulated using new generation high performance base oils and the most recent
additive technology to meet the latest CI-4 performance requirements. ProPlus 15W40 provides optimum protection and
control of corrosion, oil thickening due to soot build up, piston deposits, oxidation, sludge build up and high temperature

Pro Plus is a high-performance mixed fleet lubricant designed for use in the latest technology four stroke diesel
engines, including the new breed highly turbocharged and emission control designed engines. Pro Plus is our primary recommendation for electronically controlled engines, where high soot loading is experienced and for extended drain or severe service conditions. Extended drain intervals should be in compliance with the engine manufacturer guidelines and in conjunction with oil analysis checks.

Meets or exceeds the following:

· SAE Grade: 15W40

  • Vehicle Compatibility: BSIV engines, Highest grade engine oil CI4 plus, new generation BS III and BSIV star Tata trucks, buses and tippers.
    Unique dispersant and detergent technology with premium Group II base oils, provide advanced soot control and cold start protection.
  • The extended TBN reserve enables extended drain interval capability and the high viscosity index presides over smooth operation over a wide temperature range
    Providing excellent soot handling capability and control oil thickening
    Excellent protection against wear, corrosion that enhances engine life
    Viscosity: SAE Grade = 15W40, API CI-4 Plus/SL



Sanlub Advance 15W-40

K. Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt.


Viscosity Index, Min.


Flash Point, COC, °C, Min


TBN mg KoH/gm, Min


Pour Point, °C

(-)19 Max

 *Packing Available in: 20 LTR, 50 LTR, 210 LTR.

Please find below the list of different types and pack sizes of engine oils that we manufacture along with Technical data sheet (TDS)-

Technical Data Sheet

ACTIVE 4 T 20W40


Mobil FF 5w30

Mobil 10w30